RRCA State Rep?

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Pensacola, Florida, United States
Husband. *Dog Dad.* Instructional Systems Specialist. Runner. (Swim-challenged) Triathlete (on hiatus). USATF LDR Surveyor. USAT (Elite Rules) CRO/2, NTO/1. RRCA Rep., FL (North). Observer Of The Human Condition.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

CTS: So Hush, Already

To Improve Your Training Stop Saying These Four Things
Syd Schulz, CTS Sponsored Athlete/

We all know negative self talk is bad, but how many of us are actually successful at stopping it? I know I often succumb to being my own worst critic, and just telling myself to “cut it out“ and “be positive” is rarely helpful. Ultimately, wrestling with your mind is just not productive — but there are some things you can do to set yourself up for success BEFORE you get bummed out. And they’re pretty darn simple. Even when it seems impossible to control the thoughts running through your brain, you CAN control what you do with them and what comes out of your mouth, and that’s a good start.

Here are four decisions I learned to make that have immeasurably improved my training and approach to sport. I’ve also included the things we say that keep us focused on the negative, and some examples of how you can reframe those responses. I’m leading with mountain biking lingo because that’s my sport, but the ideas apply to ultrarunning, road cycling, triathlon, and pretty much all endurance sports...

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Outside: No Pain, No Painkillers

How to Treat Pain Without Painkillers
Rachael Schultz/Outside, October 17 2017

Learning to push through discomfort, and maybe even a little pain, is practically nonnegotiable for anyone who signs up for a race or commits to a tough training plan. Most athletes pop over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers before or during a race or game to help blunt tenderness, stiffness, and fatigue. “I’d say about 75 percent of endurance athletes across all sports take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) before and during competition,” says Jason Barker, founder and clinical consultant of the online Natural Athlete Clinic.

But rather than turn to things like aspirin and ibuprofen—which up your risk of acute kidney damage, oxidative stress, or hyponatremia while competing—try one of these all-natural ways to soothe soreness in the days leading up to your goal race or when that pain starts to creep in halfway through...

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Rodale: Don't Wait Until You're Dead

Why You Can’t Stop Waking in the Middle of the Night
You can’t run your best unless you’re getting enough rest. See if one of these is getting in the way. Christina D'Adamio/Rodale Wellness, October 16, 2017

If you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night, it’s safe to say, you’re not getting your much needed rest. That's unfortunate, because your body needs a certain amount of sleep—generally seven or eight hours—to help you make the most of your runs.

Fortunately, Adam Tishman is here to help you get the snooze you deserve. It’s time to find out why you’re constantly waking up in the middle of the night and correct your sleep mistakes...

(Link to Article)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Bridge to Bridge - RRCA 5K State Championship

After my previous weekend in Sarasota for the ITU Triathlon World Cup Sarasota-Bradenton, I would be lying if I didn't say I was worried about weather conditions - especially heat - for this event. The relative drop in temperatures on the morning of the run - breeze out of the southeast and strong cloud cover until the last finishers - gave race day participants (462 run and walk finishers) conditions conducive to a good run.

RD Adam Guess decided at the last possible moment to pull me in to hold one end of the finish tape for the overall male and female winners, Dewayne Riley (finish time of 16:25) and Virraliz Trinidad (finish time of 18:53).

RRCA State 5K Champions crowned at Bridge to Bridge included...
Masters' Female ----------------- Helen Cain ---------- 25:11
Master's Male -------------------- Steven Fair --------- 20:57
Grandmasters' Female ---------- Mindi Straw -------- 26:16
Grandmasters' Male ------------- Ron Renfroe ------- 23:35
Senior Grandmasters' Female -- Candace Gibson -- 26:41
Senior Grandmasters' Male ----- Mark Gibson ------ 25:53

Photos of the winners, finishers, pre- and post-race festivities can be found at http://stacybizjak.zenfolio.com/bridgetobridge2017

Thursday, October 12, 2017

MapMyRun: Core Work For Runners

The Five-Move Core Workout for Runners
Molly Hurford/MapMyRun, March 22, 2017

A stable core can greatly benefit your running. Building stability in your core helps to improve your running posture so you can navigate trails more easily and build muscle along the way — plus, core stability is a huge factor in injury prevention for runners. One review showed core weakness led to “less efficient movements, compensatory movement patterns, strain, overuse and injury."

Core work doesn’t have to mean long hours in the gym, either: the best core work tends to be done with bodyweight, and you can get a full workout in just a few minutes wherever you are. The key to this training is that, unlike crunches, you’ll target your entire body by actively engaging the muscles. You need to focus on strengthening your core from the inside out. In a recent study on muscular balance, core stability and injury prevention for mid-to-long-distance runners, noted that internal work can help keep your core stable.

Check out these simple, easy-to-master moves and add them to your routine...

(Link to Article)